Bay Area Conservation Biology Symposium 2017
The Santa Cruz Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology hostied the 18th annual Bay Area Conservation Biology Symposium May 6, 2017. The CBS is a one-day conference that rotates around the Bay Area, bringing together conservation scientists and practitioners from universities, non-profits, and agencies in the area to share current research and programs concerning local conservation. We were pleased to feature two keynote speakers Dr. Jim Estes and Dr. Karen Poiani, as well as a conservation law panel. Read our blog post about the event here!
Downloadable Program
CBS 2017 Schedule and Abstracts
When: May 6, 2017, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, reception to follow
Where: University of California, Santa Cruz
Conference location and directions
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Jim Estes
Dr. Jim Estes is a Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is respected as a pioneer of trophic cascades research, particularly in his work on the ecological role of sea otters in key forest ecosystems. Jim is the recipient of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Schumaker Award, the Western Society of Naturalists’ Lifetime Achievement Award, and the American Society of Mammalogists’ C. Hart Merriam Award.
Dr. Karen Poiani
Dr. Karen Poiani is the CEO of Island Conservation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the removal of invasive species from islands. She has a diverse background working for conservation organizations, including the Nature Conservancy and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Karen has worked from local to global scales on a wide range of conservation issues and was an early proponent of landscape-level conservation and the maintenance of functional landscapes.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Society for Conservation Biology
UCSC Graduate Student Association
UCSC Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Equinox Winery