Introducing Devii Rao – Bridging Science to Management

Hi, there. I’d like to introduce myself to you all. My name is Devii Rao and I’m the new University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor for Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties. These are some of the most beautiful counties in the state, so I feel incredibly Devii_Raolucky to be starting my research and education program here.  The focus of my research is on livestock and range management practices that maximize production efficiency and also enhance rangeland resources, wildlife habitat, and water quality.  My primary avenues for education and outreach are through organizing and speaking at workshops, and through my blog:


I’ve been working with UCCE for just over a year now.  During that time, I identified grassland plots where I will measure annual herbaceous forage production; began a research project on different control methods for Russian thistle, also known as tumbleweed (Salsola sp.); provided guidance to agencies on their livestock grazing programs; developed a blog; and organized multiple educational workshops.  This year I’ll be putting together workshops on low-stress livestock handling, livestock health, and rangeland weed management.


If you have any questions about how to manage our local rangelands to benefit water quality, native plants or wildlife while maintaining economically viable ranching operations, feel free to get in touch with me. Maybe we can start a research project together!


Here are different ways to reach me and learn about what’s happening on our stunning Central Coast rangelands:



Phone number: 831-637-5346 x14

