EVENT: Santa Cruz Conserves Seminar Series, featuring Dr. Asha de Vos
TIME: 4 PM, November 19, 2015 (Members meeting at 3 PM)
PLACE: Norris Center, Natural Sciences II, University of California Santa Cruz
Join SCSCB in hosting conservation biologist Dr. Asha de Vos for the first talk of the Santa Cruz Conserves Seminar Series! She will share her research, and personal experience making conservation impact, particularly for the Blue Whales of Sri Lanka. Her research has been featured by National Geographic, TED, Wired and many other media outlets. She has been a passionate advocate for whales and marine issues making substantial impacts. We’re really lucky to have her speak on campus, and highly encourage people from all backgrounds to attend.
From the TED website:
Why you should listen:
Asha de Vos is a marine biologist and TED Fellow who specializes in researching and working with marine mammals. She has degrees from the Universities of St. Andrews and Oxford, and her PhD from the University of Western Australia. She oversees the Sri Lankan Blue Whale Project, the first long-term study on blue whales within the northern Indian Ocean.
A Duke University Global Fellow in Marine Conservation, de Vos previously worked at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature while she has also consulted with the National Aquatic Research Agency. She was a panelist at the Rio+20 summit in Rio de Janeiro in 2012.
What others say:
“The unique Sri Lankan blue whales live in busy shipping waters. Marine biologist Asha de Vos is using mathematical models to put them out of harm’s way.” — New Scientist
For more information on Asha’s impressive research, and conservation activities check out: